UI/UX Consulting

Our consultants are on board to deliver intuitive UI/UX consulting services spanning from understanding user behavior, creating user personas, information architecture, and wireframes to designing elegant interfaces for digital products of varying complexities.

UX Workshops

UX Workshops

Creating a great product with a delightful UX demands well-thought-through planning and efficient execution. At Capital Numbers, we share the methodologies we follow to build stunning, habit-forming products through an immersive UX workshop tailored to coach you on how to navigate the challenges of UX.

Low Fidelity Designs

Low Fidelity Designs

At Capital Numbers, we design low-fidelity prototypes to turn your ideas into tangible and testable artifacts, enabling fast iteration cycles. These iterations of early tests allow us to spend more energy on ideation and quickly redo part of the design based on feedback.

Web Design

Web Design

Opening a broader window for you to connect with your customers online, we build clutter-free responsive web designs that reflect your brand identity and adhere to business goals. We specialize in crafting intuitive and responsive websites that drive qualified traffic and boost your conversion rate.

Mobile App UX

Mobile App UX

Blending domain expertise, industry best practices, and human psychology, we deliver seamless human-centric and intuitive experiences through our Mobile App UX solutions to meet your business needs.

Cross-Platform UX Development

Cross-Platform UX Development

We create intuitive cross-platform compatible designs that ensure visual style unity across all the platforms. Our experts will ensure your app adapts seamlessly to several different platforms and meets the highest UX standards helping you forge more meaningful connections with your customers.

Wireframe design

Wireframe design

We design clean and friendly wireframes to demonstrate your application’s or website’s content, structure, and functionality when stripped off with overall aesthetics. Our dedicated creators build the best conceptual wireframes representing UI features to map out workflows, data stature, and navigation early.

Project Info

  • Category: Web Design
  • Client: Kers
  • Location: USA
  • Architect: 45
  • Year Of Complited: Istiak
  • Surface Area: Skermset
  • Project Value: 2021


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